Whiteout Survival Pets Guide (All Generations)

Whiteout Survival Pets Guide - Feature Image

Last Updated on: 20th May 2024, 08:47 am

When the pet feature was new in Whiteout Survival and my server had just unlocked it, we were not aware of its importance, and many players didn’t pay much attention, but those who figured it out were powering up fast and winning more battles. If you are here to know about Pets in whiteout Survival you are at the right place this pets guide is for you.

Pets in Whiteout Survival are categorized into four generations. Earning rewards, completing tasks, and winning battles will unlock one generation at a time. Each generation has one or more pets with unique skills that can help you survive the harsh environment, gather resources more efficiently, or dominate enemies in combat.

Here are the key features of Pets in Whiteout Survival:

  • There are eight pets in Whiteout Survival: Cave Hyena, Arctic Wolf, Musk Ox, Giant Tapir, Titan Roc, Giant Elk, Snow Leopard, Snow Apre, and Cave Lion.
  • There are common, uncommon, rare, epic, and legendary pets. Cave Hyena is common, Musk Ox and Arctic Wolf are uncommon, while Titan Roc and Giant Tapir are rare. Besides, Snow Leopard and Giant Elk are epic, Cave Lion and Snow ape is legendary.
  • Your state should be 55 days old, and the furnace should be on level 18 to unlock generation one pet.
  • Pets unlock after a specific number of days and require other pets to reach certain upgrade levels (except for generation one pets).
  • Each pet has a total number of levels which increases its skill and enhances its effectiveness. Some pets have a cooldown period which decreases with each level upgrade.
  • You must advance your pets after every ten levels. Advancing pets require pet food, taming manuals, energizing potions, and strengthening serums.
  • Pet adventures are a good way to obtain food, manuals, and serums.
  • The game offers common and advanced wild marks to refine your pets.

How to Unlock Your Very First Pet?

Unlocking pets on Whiteout Survival is pretty simple. You’ll get access to generation one pets (Cave Hyena, Arctic Wolf, and Musk Ox) once your state is 55 days old. Besides, you also need to reach Furnace level 18 to unlock your very first pet.

Once your state meets both criteria, the game will show you a tutorial on how to catch your first pet, which is Cave Hyena.

Whiteout Survival Different Generation Pets

Each pet in Whiteout Survival unlocks after a specific number of days. Besides, some pets require other pets to reach a certain upgrade before they can be unlocked.

Overall, we can categorize pets in Whiteout Survival into four generations:

Generation 1: Cave Hyena, Arctic Wolf, Musk Ox

The first three pets you’ll unlock belong to generation one. These are Cave Hyena, Arctic Wolf, and Musk Ox. You can unlock this generation after 55 days and Furnace 18.

Cave Hyena – Common

Cave Hyena

Cave Hyena is the builder’s aid. This is the first pet you’ll unlock and comes with a 5-15% building speed. Its main job is to deliver tools to the architect, so the construction speed gets boosted up by 5% (at the initial level) for five minutes.

As you upgrade the Hyena’s skill, which has a total of five levels, the construction speed boost increases and the efficiency of pet delivery also improves. At the highest level, the Cave Hyena can increase the building speed by up to 15% and maintain the boost for up to 5 minutes.

Arctic Wolf – Uncommon

Arctic Wolf

Arctic Wolf is the second pet to unlock after Cave Hyena. Its main job is to restore Chief Stamina, which allows you to do more activities each day. The Arctic Wolf’s presence instantly restores 35 Chief Stamina (this amount can increase as you advance the pet’s levels), providing a daily boost that is very useful. There are a total of six levels for Artic Wolf.

Musk Ox – Uncommon

Musk Ox

Musk Ox is the burden bearer in the game. It has amazing strength and endurance that can help you in gathering resources as soon as it reaches the next wilderness resource tile. So, basically, you can log in and quickly collect all the resources with Musk Ox.

However, you cannot use Musk Ox repeatedly as the pet has a cooldown period before it could be used again. You can upgrade it to reduce this cooldown time. There are a total of six levels, so higher level upgrade means minimum cooldown break.

Generation 2: Giant Tapir, Titan Roc

Generation two pets are Giant Tapir and Titan Roc. You can unlock them after 78 days, but only if previous pets have reached a certain level in Whiteout Survival.

Giant Tapir – Rare

Giant Tapir

Giant Tapir is popular for its natural intuition skills. It can sense 200 pet food, which is really helpful in upgrading other pets as extra food will give you the option to develop your pets quickly.

Remember that you can only unlock Giant Tapir after Musk Ox has reached LV.15. The Giant Tapir has a total of seven levels and upgrading to each will increases the food finding to 50. So, at the highest level, Giant Tapir can locate 500 pet food.

Titan Roc – Rare

Titan Roc

Titan Roc is great for winning battles as this armor rift can pierce through shields and armor with its sharp beak. But to upgrade Titan Roc, you need to first upgrade Giant Tapir to LV.15.

There are a total of seven levels. At the basic level, Titan Roc can reduce your enemy’s health by 1.50% for 2 hours. Each level will add .50% power and the highest level will take its power to 500% damage to the enemy.

Generation 3: Giant Elk, Snow Leopard

Generation three pets include Giant Elk and Snow Leopard. You can unlock them after 100/120 days but they do require upgrading generation two pets first.

Giant Elk – Epic

Giant Elk

The Giant Elk is a super rare pet in Whiteout Survival that can be unlocked even if you haven’t beaten a level 30 snow leopard. However, it still needs Titan Roc to reach LV.15 and your furnace to reach LV.18.

The Elk has a mystical intuition that can find lost items in the Tundra. Even though there is a cooldown period, frequently using its skills will pile up a lot of items in the long run. And with time, you can reduce its cooldown period by upgrading to a total of eight levels.

Snow Leopard – Epic

Snow Leopard

Snow Leopard is one of the ruthless pets in Whiteout survival. It has such insane speed that increases by 15% and lowers the lethality of enemy troops by 1.50% for two hours. And this is just for the basic level; the more you upgrade it, the lower the lethality of enemy troops will be (upgrading Snow Leopard requires Giant Elk to reach LV.15).

There are a total of eight levels. At the highest level, Snow Leopard’s speed increases to 30% while simultaneously affecting enemy troops by 5% for two hours straight.

Generation 4: Cave Lion, Snow Ape – Legendary

Cave Lion – SSR

Cave Lion

Cave Lion is part of generation four, which you can unlock after 200 days. Once Snow Leopard reaches LV.15 It is another brutal pet to have in Whiteout Survival.

At the basic level, the Cave Lion’s roar enhances all troop attacks by 2.50% for a duration of 2 hours. You can upgrade it to a total of ten levels; the highest level will increase all troop attacks by 10.00% for 2 hours. Note that Cave Lion has a cooldown period of 1 day.

Snow Ape – SSR

Snow Ape

Snow apes are legendary pets with a very useful skill to increase the Army’s morale by increasing squad capacity by 3000 for 2 hours (Level 2). Squad capacity is very important and every OG player in whiteout survival knows it.

as you reach level 10, it will increase the squad capacity by 15000 for 2 hours.

You can use this ability once a day because of its cooldown time, which is 1 day. I know it doesn’t sound a lot, but it will be very helpful when needed.

Comparison Table

Pet Name

Special Skill

Main Job

Upgrade Requirements

Days to Unlock

Upgrade Levels

Basic Skill

Highest Skill


Generation 1

Cave Hyena

Builder’s Aide

Deliver tools to architect, increasing construction speed.



5% building speed

15% building speed

5 min

Arctic Wolf

Chief Stamina

Restores Chief Stamina, allowing more daily activities.



Restore 35

Restore 60

Musk Ox

Burden Bearer

Assists in gathering resources..




Generation 2

Giant Tapir


Locates pet food for upgrades, requiring Musk Ox LV.15 to unlock.

Musk Ox LV.15



200 pet food

500 pet food

Titan Roc

Armor Piercing

Deals damage to enemy troops, requiring Giant Tapir LV.15 to upgrade.

Giant Tapir LV.15



1.50% damage

500% damage

2 hours

Generation 3

Giant Elk

Mystical Intuition

Assists in gathering resources…

Titan Roc LV.15, Furnace LV.18




Snow Leopard

Speed & Lethality

Increases speed and reduces enemy troop lethality.

Giant Elk LV.15




15% speed, 1.50% lethality reduced

30% speed, 5% lethality reduced

2 hours

Generation 4

Cave Lion

Battle Roar

Enhances troop attacks with its loud road.

Snow Leopard LV.15



2.50% attack

10.00% attack

Whiteout Survival Pet Manual: Food, Marks, Manuals & More!

Each pet in Whiteout Survival has a unique skill, which needs to be upgraded to get the most out of it. The game offers various ways to upgrade your pets, including food, potions, manuals, and more.

Upgrading Your Pets in Whiteout Survival

There are different levels of skill depending on which pet you own, but all pets require food, potions, and serums to get more power.

First, find the pet you want to upgrade in “Beast Cage” and select the option to upgrade using Pet Food. After that, you must “advance” your pets after every ten upgrades to level-up their skills. This requires getting a Taming manual, an Energizing potion, and a Strengthening serum.

Here is a breakdown of each:

  • Pet Food: This is the basic resource used to level up your pets. You’ll receive Pet Food as a reward for completing tasks and missions and defeating enemies.
    Pet Food
  • Taming Manual: This is a special item used to unlock a pet’s full potential, so they get access to new skills or enhance existing ones. Pet Adventures will reward you with Taming Manuals. Higher-level adventures typically offer better rewards.
    Taming Manual
  • Energizing Potion & Strengthening Serum: These are extra items for the pet’s advancement. You’ll get potions and serums during pet adventures and events, or you can also buy them within the game.
    energizing potion and strenghtning serum

Keep in mind that the Energizing Potion is not needed until your pet reaches level 30, and the Strengthening Serum only becomes necessary when your pet hits level 50.

Using Pet Adventures in Whiteout Survival

Pet Adventures

As mentioned earlier, pet adventures are a good way to get more food, taming manuals, energizing food, and strengthening serums.

You can find the “Adventure” button inside the Beast Cage. During an adventure, you will send your pets to discover treasures that will have food, manuals, or potions/serums.

Refining Your Pets in Whiteout Survival

Other than the food, taming manuals, and potions/serums, wild marks are used to refine your pets in Whiteout Survival.

Usually, you’ll find these two wild marks in the game:

  • Common Wild Mark: These are available through various in-game activities. Because they are common, they provide a relatively minor increase to your pet’s base stats. While not super powerful, they’re a good option for early-game pet refinement when resources are scarce.
    common wild mark
  • Advanced Wild Mark: These are also used for Pet advanced refinement, but advanced wild marks are rare and harder to get. They will give your pet a much better refinement than common marks and are a good way to maximize your pet’s potential.
    advanced wild mark

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is the Pet feature not available – Whiteout survival?

The pet feature only becomes available when your state reaches 55 days, and furnace level 18 is unlocked. Once both criteria are met, the game will guide you in catching your first pet, which is Cave Hyena.

How many Pets can I capture – Whiteout survival?

You can mention various pets at a time. However, advancing and refining some pets is a must to unlock other pets. Only generation one pets do not have this requirement, but pets from all other generations will unlock only if previous pets are upgraded.

How many taming and feeding attempts does the game allow – Whiteout survival?

You can tame and feed your pet twice a day. You will need pet food which you can use as a reward for completing tasks, missions, and defeating enemies. Or, you can get pet food at events or buy it within the game, too.


In Whiteout Survival, pets are a fantastic way to turn your solo struggle into a team effort. These loyal companions offer stat boosts and unique skills and become invaluable partners in your fight for survival. Keep upgrading them to get the maximum advantage of pets in Whiteout Survival!

If you have any questions about how to get the most of pets in Whiteout Survival, or if you have more tips to share, please comment below, and I will reply to you as soon as possible. Your engagement and feedback will also help me improve the blog; I am looking forward to your insightful comments.

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