Whiteout Survival HQ (Tundra)

Whiteout Survival HQ

Last Updated on: 7th March 2024, 08:37 am

Whiteout Survival HQ is where your adventure begins from Icefield and expands to Tundra and fertile land. Here’s a simpler guide on managing your HQ, packed with tips to help you make smarter moves in the Whiteout Survival.

In Whiteout Survival, the HQ (Headquarters) is the central base of your alliance; the first HQ you build will be on the Icefield that offers initial resources. As you progress, you can unlock the Tundra for more resources, crucial for growth.

Best Place To Set Up HQ (Tundra)

HQ in Whiteout Survival is essential; normally, when an alliance wants to destroy another alliance, they attack their HQ, and players reinforce their HQ to defend against attacks. So make sure you choose the best location and occupy as many alliance resources as possible to grow fast and save your HQ from attacks.

When you start the game and build the HQ, you start from Icefield, which offers initial resources to help you get started, and then you move to Tundra when it is unlocked.

Zoom out the in-game view, and you can see 3 types of lands; I have added the Screenshot below to help you understand which land is icefield, Tundra, and Fertile land. When choosing a location, you should know that to make the best decision.

Tundra: What Is Tundra?

Players must complete the “Banner Raised High” milestone to unlock the Tundra area. This milestone can be found in the monument building in the game, granting access to the Tundra’s resourceful land.

Resources in Tundra

In Icefield, where you create your first HQ, you will lake Alliance Iron, which will slow down your growth, and you will have to unlock Tundra to access these two resources.

In Tundra, you can find many high-level abandoned farms, lumberyards, Iron mines, and Coal Mines to gather resources.

The strategic positioning of your HQ and utilization of these resources can boost your alliance’s growth.

Best Place for HQ in Tundra

The ideal strategy involves placing your HQ close to Alliance iron mines and other key facilities to ensure efficient resource gathering. Occupying facilities offer boosts, which will be very helpful in PVP. Also, make it close to fertile land to access valuable resources there.

By carefully selecting your HQ’s position near valuable resources and ensuring easy access to them, you can significantly increase your chances of success in Whiteout Survival.

Fertile Land: Can you build HQ here?

Fertile Land requires completing the “Grand Conquest” milestone, offering access to higher-level resources. However, the game restricts setting up the Alliance HQ in Fertile Land, allowing it to be set up only in the Icefield and Tundra areas. You can build banners to expand your territory and occupy the resources in fertile land.

Ensure your HQ in Tundra is closest to fertile land so you will not have to build so many banners to reach resources.

Why is HQ Important?

  • Alliance Territory: It allows you to make your alliance territory and activate territory bonuses, which you can expand by building banners.
  • Expansion: Key to expanding your territory

Who Can Make an HQ?

You need to reach Furnace level 7; at this point, you can choose to either create your own alliance or join an existing one; if you create an alliance, then as an R5, you can create HQ for your alliance.

You can read my complete guide on Whiteout Survival Alliance to help you make better decisions.

What Happens If HQ is Destroyed?

When your HQ in Whiteout Survival is destroyed, your banners become invalid, and you lose control of the resources connected with banners. Ensure you defend your HQ from other alliances to maintain control over your resources.

NOTE: If the banner is destroyed in the middle and the other half of the banner is not connected to HQ, the other half will become invalid; you will have to rebuild the banner to connect them; that way, you will revive the invalid banners.

How Do You Move the HQ In Whiteout Survival?

When Tundra is unlocked, you can make a new HQ in Tundra, which is called Tundra HQ, that is connected to your banners, and the first HQ is called Icefield HQ; the alliance leader can move the HQ to the new location.

So make sure when you are building your first HQ and building banners, you think strategically and plan ahead.

How Do You Teleport to HQ?

The Territory Teleporter lets you move close to your HQ, which is beneficial for such situations. If you don’t have territory teleporters, you can use an Alliance teleporter, which will teleport you near the alliance leader.

I recommend teleporting near the bear trap for strategic advantage in the bear trap event to deal more damage to the bear. If you want to deal more damage to Bear and rank higher, you can read my guide on Whiteout Survival Bear Trap.

Getting Teleporters

You can find Territory Teleporters or alliance teleporters in the Alliance Shop, which refreshes daily.


Managing your HQ in Whiteout Survival is all about smart planning and understanding the game’s rules. By reading the blog, you are well-equipped to lead your alliance, and you can make better decisions based on that information. Please comment if you still have any questions, and I will contact you ASAP.

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