Daybreak Island In Whiteout Survival (Best Guide)

Daybreak Island Whiteout Survival

Last Updated on: 19th August 2024, 07:54 am

Daybreak Island is no rocket science but if you want to survive, you need a proper strategy. The first and foremost thing is to take care of the Tree of Life, which is like the heart of the island. Secondly, you need to keep decorating your island as it will give you more buffs to develop your main city.

If you want to survive in Daybreak Island in Whiteout Survival, these should be your prime objectives:

  1. Maintain and upgrade the Tree of Life
  2. Purchase, place, and upgrade decorations on the island
  3. Get as much life essence as possible
  4. Open up as much space on your island as possible
  5. Get the hidden treasures on the island
  6. Complete the explore daybreak island task
  7. Recycle decorations you don’t need
  8. Purchase rare buildings on the guide on the island storehouse
  9. Help allies in taking care of their Tree of life

Keep reading till the end to explore more about how to survive on Daybreak Island and get as many buffs as possible for your main city!

What is Daybreak Island in Whiteout Survival?

Daybreak Island is a new Oasis system in Whiteout Survival where players who reach Furnace Level 19 can unlock a dock and embark on a journey to uncover its hidden treasures and challenges.

The main task of players in Daybreak Islan is to maintain and upgrade the tree of life which is the heart of the island. The tree of life is the main source of life on the island and generates large amounts of life essence that you can use to purchase and upgrade decorations on the island.

In simple words, players have to fulfill these two tasks on Daybreak Island:

  • Upgrading the Tree of Life and Lumber camp (also a main source of energy or life essence on Daybreak Island)

  • Building the island by placing different decorations (also called buildings) on the island to increase prosperity

Building the island is a must for upgrading the tree of life, which is the prime objective of Daybreak Island. To purchase and upgrade buildings, you’ll need currency—specifically Life Essence, which is the currency of Daybreak Island. You will use it to upgrade Tree of Life and Lumber Camp, and purchase decorations. The more you decorate the island, the higher points you will get for your main city.

Upgrading Tree of Life & Lumber Camp

Tree Of Life

Upgrading the Tree of Life is the main objective of Daybreak Island. The more you upgrade the tree, the more you can progress on the island. Also, the Tree of Life provides a certain amount of life essence every day, which you can increase by upgrading the tree.

Also, upgrading the Tree of Life provides various stat boosts for your troops, unlocks new features, grants upgrade rewards, and increases the production of life essence. So, always prioritize taking care of your Tree of Life as without it, you cannot survive on Daybreak Island.

Lumber Camp is another source of life essence on Daybreak Island and upgrading it can give you a lot of benefits. First, you can build a Lumber camp and upgrade it to clear the trees quickly, so there is a higher chance of finding and collecting more life essence and treasures hidden in the trees.

Second, you need as much space as possible to decorate your island, and it is only possible if you have enough workers to cut wood. One way to get more workers is to build a Lumber camp and upgrade it frequently to level up the efficiency of your workers.

Note that the type limit of Lumber camps is 2, so you can start with one and get another Lumber camp from the shop. It is best to get another Lumber camp when your Tree of Life has reached the required level, so you can get more life essence and space on your island.

Purchasing Decorations/Prosperity Bonus

The prosperity bonus refers to the number of decorations on Daybreak Island; the more decorations you place, the higher the prosperity level will be. In the same way, island prosperity and stat bonuses can decrease if you retrieve some decorations on the island.

Purchasing Decorations on DayBreak Island

When buying decorations for the island, you should prioritize some buildings as they give really good buffs to develop your main city. These buildings are:

  • Blacksmith
  • Mini Heater
  • Skating Rink
  • Fountain of Joy
  • Flower Secret
  • Bustling Bizarre
  • Deluxe Restaurant

Placing Decorations on DayBreak Island

After purchasing a decoration, you need to place it somewhere on the island. This will give you points, but there’s a catch: each decoration has a type limit and you will not receive decoration points after the limit is reached.

In simple words, each decoration you purchase and place on the island has a type limit. When you purchase and place a building after the limit, it will not raise the island’s prosperity, which means you need to purchase other decorations to gain points. Like if a building has a type limit of 4, then placing it the fifth time will not give you any points.

Moreover, when you’ve reached the maximum number of a certain decoration type, the decorations with higher bonuses will be prioritized. For example, if you can only place two decorations of the same type, and one gives 100 bonuses (Level 5) while another gives 80 bonuses (Level 4), placing two Level 5 decorations will give you a total of 200 bonuses.

Upgrading Decorations on DayBreak Island

Upgrade Decoration

You need to frequently upgrade decorations on Daybreak Island to get more points. If you have Level 1 decorations, you can upgrade all decorations except the Tree of Life and Lumber camps.

However, in case you have already run out of all the decorations to gain points, this trick can help you upgrade decorations: buy extra decorations beyond the limit, but don’t put them in place. Wait until you see an upgrade arrow on the decoration you bought multiple times before using them.

Decorations Gone on Daybreak Island?

Sometimes, you place decorations on the island and later they are no longer in their place. This happens due to two reasons:

  • You can dismantle high-level decorations into lower-level ones. You need to check if you’ve done this.
  • The game gives you an option to retrieve all decorations of a selected type. Check-in your Island Storehouse if you mistakenly retrieved decorations on your island.

Recycling Decorations Gives More Space on Island

If you have extra decorations or there are some buildings that you no longer need, you can sell them at the Recycle Shop. However, note that each recycled decoration will be sold at half the price, so you will only get half of the gems back that you used to buy the building in the first place.

Still, recycling decorations can be a profitable move to get more life essence. Especially if you’ve run out of space on the island for new decorations, you can retrieve old or non-beneficial decorations and recycle them on the marketplace to get life essence in return.

Yes, you will get only 50% of the original price, but the life essence can be used to buy more decorations on the island, which will help you upgrade the Tree of Life.

The “Guide” in the Island Storehouse in Daybreak Island

GUIDE Feature on Daybreak Island

The Guide in the Island Storehouse is a really informative space in Daybreak Island. Here, you can take a good look at all the buildings and discover what decorations give higher buffs to your main city.

In the guide, you can also see the rarity of a building, which means you will get better buffs if you purchase it. Therefore, a good strategy is to frequently visit the marketplace to keep an eye on decorations and immediately purchase recently unlocked buildings with higher rarity to get more buffs for your main city.

Getting Life Essence

Life Essence

Life essence serves as the main currency of Daybreak Island which you need to upgrade the Tree of Life and Lumber camps as well as purchase decorations.

The main sources of life essence are Tree of Life itself, and Lumber camp, as these two produce the life essence extensively. You can get life essence by simply collecting it from the Tree of Life and lumber camp. But if you want more life essence, you can get it by:

  • Helping allies
  • Finding treasure hidden in trees
  • Completing daily tasks in the Explore Daybreak Island.

Helping Allies

Help Allies

Helping allies is a great way to earn more life essence for both yourself and the ally you assist. When you help someone, you are assisting them in taking care of their Tree of Life, hence increasing the prosperity of their island.

However, you can only help allies who haven’t been assisted yet. Moreover, you can assist someone only once every 6 hours and up to 3 times a day.

To find allies, check the rank on the island prosperity and find handshake icons on different alliance members. Just click on the icon and you can visit your allies to help them maintain their tree of life.

Finding Treasures Hidden in Trees

Find Hidden Treasure

Another way to get life essence in Daybreak island is by finding treasures hidden in the trees. These trees on the island contain a large amount of life essence and other treasures that you can collect by allocating workers to cut down the trees.

If you are a beginner on the island, your best bet is to cut down trees and find hidden treasures. There is a lot of life essence hidden that you can collect and use to grow your city on the island. The more items (life essence and other treasures) you can find, the higher will be your speed of building and decorating the island.

The Explore Daybreak Island Task

Explore Daybreak Island

The Explore Daybreak Island is a list of tasks that you can fulfill every day and get life essence for each completed task. Try to log in daily and complete all tasks, so you can get as much life essence as possible.

Each task will give you some life essence depending on the level of the task (like if it is easy or difficult). Sometimes, you will do easy tasks like upgrading the Tree of life or lumber camp to the next level or buying items in the Daybreak Island shop. Other times, you will have to help allies in taking care of their tree of life.

Tips on Getting the Most Points in Daybreak Island

Keep in mind the following tips to get the most points in Daybreak Island:

  • Don’t waste life essence on buying decorations. Your first priority should be upgrading the Tree of Life and Lumber camp whenever possible. Then, once the tree and camp are upgraded, move to buying and placing decorations on the island. But if you already meet the prosperity for the next upgrade for Tree of Life, do it first.
  • Don’t use all the life essence in buying all the rare and expensive buildings. Try buying one rare building and a couple of cheap decorations. It will take less life essence but still add prosperity to your island.
  • You get three chances to help allies in one day, so make sure to assist three allies every day. This will not only give life essence but will also help you complete the help allies quest.
  • Try to keep your Lumber camp near chests (that are in the forest) so you can easily collect any treasures or life essence hidden in the trees. This is a quick way to add prosperity to your island unlike placing your Lumber camp in the middle of the island which slows down the process (the farther the chest, the more time it takes to collect).
  • Some buildings provide buffs to your main city but others don’t. Try to get your hands on decorations that have higher prosperity bonuses, so you don’t overfill your land with too many decorations that don’t provide buffs. Such buildings (without buffs) do not offer any advantage in the long run as they keep taking up a lot of space and life essence without any benefit for the main city.
  • Once you unlock a building with a buff effect, focus on upgrading it as requested. This boosts Prosperity and improves the buff percentage. Early on, prioritize unlocking buildings with Buffs, then use Life Essence to upgrade them.


To wrap it up, succeeding on Daybreak Island in Whiteout Survival comes down to smart planning. Focus on upgrading the Tree of Life, choose and place decorations wisely, and make the most of your Life Essence. Help your allies, find hidden treasures, and keep an eye on the buildings and buffs you get. By following these tips, you can grow your island and strengthen your main city, setting yourself up for success on Daybreak Island.

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